The concepts and courses of action presented here are aimed at increasing French language health services across Canada. This online resource provides a framework for recruitment and retention of bilingual human resources in the context of health services for a minority population.
This resource is currently available in English and at no cost. All resources, promising practices, and testimonials are available in English and French. Tools can be downloaded and adapted to managers and HR personnel’s needs and goals. The content will be updated regularly and is aligned with the LEADS in a Caring Environment Capabilities Framework, which is a foundational element for health leadership development in Canada.
Register today via the eQUITY Link platform: https://equity-link.ca/.

The online resource model is based on the structured six-step framework from the Health Human Resource Strategy as presented in the Framework for Recruitment & Retention of Bilingual Human Resources in the Health Sector published in 2015.
This platform is funded by Health Canada through the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities.
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Visit the Equity Link page.